At Risk of Closure: Gernon Manor Care Home
Following news reports that seven Derbyshire care homes, including Gernon Manor, are at risk of closure, the Town Council has expressed its concerns to Sarah Dines, MP for Derbyshire Dales;
"Dear Miss Dines,
Closure of Gernon Manor House Care Home
I write as instructed by members of Bakewell Town Council at a Full Council meeting held on Monday 20th January 2020, with reference to the above matter.
Over the past seven days there have been media reports stating that seven Derbyshire County Council care homes are being considered for closure, Gernon Manor House in Bakewell being one of the seven.
I know as our MP you will be aware of the rural nature of your constituency and how widespread the residents are located within the Derbyshire Dales. Gernon Manor House is a very precious resource which serves Bakewell and surrounding communities, providing care and employment for local people and therefore would be a significant loss to the local communities if closed. With a poor local transport infrastructure in this part of the Derbyshire Dales, relatives visiting Gernon Manor already have significant problems at times. This would be exasperated significantly if the residents of this care facility were moved to locations, likely outside the Derbyshire Dales, or much further away.
A lunchtime news bulletin featured on BBC East Midlands Today, on 21st January, covered some of the reasons for the proposed closures of care homes, this included, out of date electrical wiring, no en suite facilities, rooms that are too small and overall poor conditions of buildings, such as roofs. There is obviously a significant cost implication to the County Council regarding maintenance and upgrading and its members will be asked to make some budgetary decisions soon.
Bakewell Town Council strongly object to the proposed closure of a Gernon Manor House Care Home for the reasons given above and most importantly, for extreme hardship it will cause to the displaced residents of this important facility in this rural location.
You are asked to demand why such a closure needs to take place and if funding can be secured to ensure this facility remains open, especially as the Bakewell area has an evidenced above average ageing population.
I would be grateful if you could give this matter your urgent attention and update me with the results of your enquiries so that members and our community can be updated."
A petition, independent of the Town Council, seeking to stop the closure, has been started at:
Posted: Thu, 23 Jan 2020